5月1日:Bar Tram 18周年 Bar TRENCH 10周年
私の心に思い描く店を形にしてみたいとの思いで、18年前の今日Bar Tramを、そして、11年前の今日、Bar TRENCHを開店しました。
Small Axe Inc. 伊藤
I opened Bar Tram on this day 18 years ago, and Bar TRENCH 11 years ago today, with the desire to give shape to the concept I envisioned. It’s a shame that we are not able to toast with you on the birthdays of our two bars on May 1st.
But We’re really happy that we have more customers who are looking forward to our reopening. ( Tokyo is now under a declared state of emergency and our bars are all temporarily closed.) Thank you to everyone who has supported us so far !!!
Small Axe Inc. Takuya Itoh
There is no reason good cant’t triumph over evil. If only angels will get organized along the lines of the mafia. Kurt Vonnegut