The second day of ABSINTHIADES 2010 , just to get out of the routine of drinking only absinthe we decide to join some friends for a little absinthe barbecue.
Barbecue without beer is not a barbecue . I don’t know how but someone came up with some ABSINTHE BEER from Lemecier Destillerie .
Absinthe spoons were everywhere and when you are hungry ,it is possible to use the absinthe spoons for others reasons like to put mayonnaise in your sandwich . Even a original vintage 100 years ago spoon were used .
On the table a good selection of absinthe : V.S 1898 , Fougerolles 74 blanche , Saphire , Francois Guy and others that I can’t remember .
After the good meal everyone moved toward Emile Penot Destillerie that was close by , for a little bit of more absinthe …