Happy to be back open
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Bar Tram, TRENCH, TRIADは、明後日、5/27(水)より、営業を再開いたします。営業時間は、当面の間、 17:00-22:00 となります。
Our 3 bars, Bar Tram, TRENCH, and TRIAD, are so happy to be back open from the day after tomorrow, Wednesday, May 27th. Opening time for the time being : 17:00-22:00.
The following measures will continue to be taken to prevent infection.
Reduce the number of seats, widen the seating area, sterilize hands, wearing face mask and ventilation.
Also, as one of our measures, we limit the number of people in a group to four. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your cooperation.
We’ve been waiting for this day for two months and thank you for your patience. We look forward to seeing you all !!!