
Absinthe or Ouzo ?

Small Axe Inc. / Absinthe/アブサン  / Absinthe or Ouzo ?

Absinthe or Ouzo ?


In the last episode of the popular American tv drama “Mad men”, Roger and Marie get married, probably because she is of French descent, they stayed in Paris. There, they were toasting with a cloudy white drink. We saw some posts on the Internet asking if this was absinthe, pastis, or ouzo.
The answer we came up with is “pastis”. Pastis is a liqueur created by improving the process of absinthe as an alternative to green fairy, the production of which was banned in 1915.In the setting of the drama, it was 1970, and absinthe was banned at that time, so it must be “pastis”, which we think is one of RICARD, PERNOD, or 51 (Cinquante et un).
Ouzo is also a cloudy drink, but given the background of the drama, it is unlikely to be it, which is a Greek and Cypriot drink.
In any case, now absinthe is not banned, and it is not a dangerous drink to begin with. The absinthe we mainly serve at Tram is a good quality natural herbal product with no additives or coloring. Please give it a try!