
SAPORE MONTENEGRO Cocktail with forbidden bitters

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SAPORE MONTENEGRO Cocktail with forbidden bitters

It’s time to enjoy the Cherry blossom festival (hanami) . In a couple of days the cherry trees is going to be in their peak. Nothing better than a spring cocktail .

This cocktail came up last week when one of the Hatos Bar crew made a request with something strong , sweet but not too fruity and with a lot of flavor . As we are in spring , just before the hanami, here we go :


– 30ml – glenmorangie original 10 y

– 15 ml – Amaro Montenegro

–  3 dashes – Miracle Mile Forbidden Bitters .

–  Garnish- yellow rose petal

–  Stir all ingredients in a mixing glass and pour in a chilled cocktail glass .

    Amaro Montenegro is made with over 40 types of herbs such as coriander , pekoe tea , cucumber , orange peel and red cherries . And with its Flowerish perfume kind of aroma, toguether with the Glenmorangie soft and sweet butterscotch & toffe like character and Miracle Mile forbidden bitters to make the final connection between the whisky and the herb liqueur we got a sweet and aromatic cocktail perfect for the Cherry blossom festival season .

Salute !!!

Bar Trench Tokyo (R)