

Small Axe Inc. / Cocktails/カクテル  / SELETA MARTINEZ COCKTAIL


It is a quite rainy day in Tokyo to start our monday and to start our week I was in the mood for one of my favorite cocktail , MARTINEZ but at the same time I was in the mood to have one of my favorite cachaca , SELETA . In the doubts of which one to choose I decide to have both in one . The results : SELETA MARTINEZ COCKTAIL .

Martinez cocktail is a quite old cocktail . Its origin still a bit unclear but in1887 Jeremiah Thomas book “The Bar-Tender’s Guide” was the first book to be found with the recipe . Some says “Professor Thomas” created this cocktail for a traveller who was on the way to the town Martinez , California . The cocktail consists in genever gin,sweet vermouth,maraschino liqueur and back on the days Boker’s bitters .

Seleta is a brasilian artesanal cachaca which it can be found in Japan as well . Made in the town of Salinas ( Mecca of artesanal cachacas ) and aged with Umburana barrels . Cachaca Seleta producer is a famous man in the cachaca world known as “Captain Toni “


   –  30 ml   cachaca Seleta
   –  45ml    Antica Formula
   –  5  ml    Luxardo Maraschino
   –  2 dashes of Boker’s bitters
   –  2 dashes of chocolate Bob’s Bitters ( it can be found in some specialized stores in Tokyo )
   garnish  – orange peel
    .Stir all ingredients in a mixing glass with ice ( choose a good clear ice to avoid to have a watery cocktail ) pour in a chilled cocktail glass .
    The tasting notes of this cocktail is amazing . Seleta itself suits quite well with chocolate and orange peel and the Umburana wood has a quite after taste presence . All together with the sweet vermouth , marasquino and the bitters we have a cocktail a rich and complex in its aroma and taste .
    I recommend for all Martinez lovers to try once the Seleta Martinez .
   Big Cheers for Captain Toni & Professor  Jerry Thomas !!!
   Bar TRENCH Tokyo