
” A taste for Absinthe ” cocktail book .

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” A taste for Absinthe ” cocktail book .

A TASTE FOR ABSINTHE ” cocktail book wich has been around for over a year  finally arrived on the shelf of Bar Trench .  The book is written by R. Winston Guthrie (From ) with James F. Thompson .

A taste for Absinthe has 65 recipes from classics to moderns cocktails made by many Top Mixologists in America , and it gives you an easy to understand explanation about the  absinthe world . There is also a little absinthe buying guide but unfortunately most of the brands are not in Japan yet .  Besides some of the cocktails ingredients are not easy to find in Japan , “A taste for Absinthe ” is a modern & worth to buy book , with beautiful pictures inside .

There are a bunch of favorites cocktails but I picked up one for this begginnig of the week’s start up .


Green Goddess



–  4  leaves of Basil

–  1/8 cut  of a fresh cucumber

–  40 ml of  vodka  ( we used lemongrass infusion vodka )

–  15 ml of White Absinthe (  La Clandestine 53 suits quite well )

–  5 ml  –  sugar syrup

–  15 ml – Fresh lime juice

–  1  sprig of fresh Thyme .

. Muddle the basil and the cucumber in a boston cocktail shaker . Add the vodka , sugar syrup , lime juice , Absinthe , and the thyme sprig . Fill the shaker with ice and shake hard . Strain the drink into a chilled cocktail glass . Garnish with a Thyme sprig . Serve .

This cocktail was created by Neyah White who used to be the Bar manager of Nopa in San Francisco .  Neyah White at the moment is a brand Ambassador  for  Yamazaki Single Malts . It would be nice if Neyah show up someday and make one of his amazing cocktails .

Ps : the original ingredients proportions were adapted  to  Bar Trench cocktails size . As we don’t have in Japan ” Square One Cucumber ” Vodka , we substituted for fresh cucumber .

Have a nice monday !!!

Cheers!!! Bar Trench ( R )